Educational Systemics


Founded in 2001 by Michael Jay & Mary LeDonne, Educational Systemics is committed through their work with institutions and corporations to create lasting change in the pK-12 Industry. Their diverse expertise includes educational and corporate leadership, market analysis, content development, instructional design, and tested knowledge of the complex dynamics of pK-12 education. This, coupled with a systemic approach, generates success for their clients while advancing their vision for educational improvement. Companies looking to innovate and/or prepare their organizations and products for the future, while generating revenue today, turn to Educational Systemics for guidance and assistance.

Educational Systemics takes pride in their active involvement in the Education Publishing and Technology community. Educational Systemics’ personnel participate in various organizations and initiatives throughout the US and globally while also supporting local businesses and decreasing our carbon footprint by changing how we do business. For more information on how we can help you reach your vision, contact us at:, today!

Bellingham, WA
Tel: (360) 752-2874
Email Us


Michael Jay
President, Educational Systemics, Inc.