More Than Just A Good Idea:
Education Research to Guide Product Development
Ed Table Talk will be broadcased Tuesday, November 18th, 2014
Ideas abound for new teaching methodologies, and curriculum, and each claims to
be innovative and effective. Governments throughout the world fund a wealth of
research into educational strategies and instructional design every year, yet we find
that these communities often don’t communicate well with each other. It is not
unusual for popular educational solutions to lack research into their effectiveness
and how best they can be applied. Equally unusual, many educational research
programs, in which curriculum is developed, never see the commercial light of day,
or broad distribution.
We will examine what educational research brings to improving products today and
in the future and how publishers can take advantage of research findings to improve
their offerings.
Host Michael Jay and our leading education thinkers will contemplate the following:
- How closely tied is today’s research programs to educational practice?
- Where are there challenges for the research community in working with commercial vendors?
- How are requirements at funding agencies changing to bring these communities closer together?
- How are our universities and research institutions working to accommodate the commercialization of products from their research?
- How can publishers reach out to the research community to improve their offerings and gain greater credibility with the educational community?
Guests at the table:
1. Jeremy Roschelle– Director, Center for Technology in Learning, SRI International
2. Chad Dorsey– President and CEO, Concord Consortium
3. Tammy Sumner – Executive Director, Digital Learning Sciences