July 2014 — Standards, Standards, Everywhere:
The Technical Side of Education Standards
When someone mentions standards in education most people assume they are referring to curriculum or instructional standard. Get ready to delve into the world of technical standards that serve as the foundation of our digital offerings. We’ll take a look at a wide variety of such standards and examine how they impact your product implementation, platform support, and business development.
For those of you who shy away from the technical, this is an opportunity to unwrap some of the jargon you hear but have been too embarrassed to ask about… xml, HTML5, APIP, Dublin Core, RDFa all sound familiar but you have no idea what they mean? Stop just nodding knowingly and learn what you need to know to engage in discussion about how to apply these standards to make the best products.
For those propeller heads out there, we have a seat at the Table for you as well. Get up to date on the latest happenings on several different standards and join the online discussion. It’s a veritable technical feast!
Knowledge is key to driving business and structuring your solutions so you can address the needs of your customers. Join host Michael Jay and guests as they explore the structure behind standards and answer questions such as:
- How are instructional standards continuing to evolve?
- What are the impacts instructional standards have on teaching and learning?
- What standards are used by publishers and development shops?
- What impact do standards have on my business?
Ed Table Talk welcomes individuals at any level of expertise. Experts and beginners alike can embrace the value of understanding more about standards, and the common misconceptions. It’s going to get technical, as Michael Jay and guests explore the deeper side to standards.
Guests at The Table:
- Bethann Canada, Director of Educational Information Management for the Virginia Dept. of Education
- Jim Goodell, Senior Analyst at Quality Information Partners, Inc.
- Matt Howard, Manager of Digital Experiences Strategy at Zaner-Bloser
Listen to the show down below: